Marketing Campaign
If you have a taste for the Caribbean or recently visited the U.K. then you’ll know the famous chocolate bar brand “Catch.”
Catch is an iconic brand and the flagship product of Charles Chocolate. Although Catch had experienced many years of success it was facing increasing competition in the under 18 demographic and among calorie-conscious Millennials. Catch needed to connect with upcoming generations in the same way it had with earlier generations.
C7’s team created a delicious marketing campaign “Let’s Catch.” This campaign was a fully integrated media blitz that included both online and offline touch-points. Our media, messaging, packaging, photography, 3d animations, and other brand assets were swirled together with some snappy social media campaigns like “Catch A Selfie” and other online gamification. This campaign was focused on building some trendy brand awareness and boosting Catch sales across the U.K and Caribbean Islands.
In addition to the hip, fresh campaign, C7’s research revealed the need for Catch to launch a multi-pack mini-bar line. These mini-bars were the perfect fit for a students lunch, snack at work, and a guilt-free fit for calorie-conscious millennial’s.
Needless to say, in addition to eating our fill in amazing chocolate treats, C7’s “Let’s Catch” campaign was a sweet success for chocolate lovers everywhere!