Facebook is a great platform to reach and connect with your current customers, and attract new prospects. If you’re not getting the level of engagement you’ve been looking for across Facebook, then there’s probably an issue with your current strategy.
You know that social media can bring you new leads. You’ve seen it done dozens of times. If you can’t quite diagnose why your succorers aren’t engaged with your Facebook posts, it could be due to one of the following reasons.
1. No Audience Understanding
To increase your social engagement you need to have an understanding of your audience. Before you post something ask yourself why someone would be interested in this post. Would they consider sharing it? Would they enjoy this?
If the end result of your questions ends with an unknown this means you don’t understand your audience well enough.
2. You Aren’t Posting Share-Worthy Content
People share things for a variety of reasons. But, if your content isn’t attractive enough to get your followers to stop in their tracks, then it’s not compelling enough.
It can be helpful to monitor successful posts and see what they all share in common. Keep reading to see the most common elements of successful Facebook posts.
3. Lack Of Enticing Images
Take a look at your past Facebook posts. Chances are they’re simply black text, or black text with a snooze-worthy image.
Your lack of appealing imagery could be the reason no one is stopping to engage with your posts. Try to switch up to images that include people, an appealing infographic, or even a clever meme to reflect the core values of your business.
4. No Call-To-Action
Your users aren’t going to engage if you don’t tell them what to do. By adding a call-to-action to your posts chances are your users are going to engage at a higher rate.
However, make sure your calls-to-action aren’t very pushy, as social media is primarily a place for conversation, not selling.
5. Not Asking Questions
People love to share their opinions on things. If you’re not asking your followers questions, then you’re not giving them a chance to engage. Questions are an incredible way to create a dialogue between your company and those who follow you.
However, you should avoid asking questions that steer too far away from your niche. Ask questions that are related to your industry, but try to keep them interesting.
Mastering social media is tough work. However, with the right strategy you can make it work for your business. Get in touch with our Jacksonville social media team today, for a plan that works for you.