responsive website - email marketing

Usually when people think about email marketing, social media isn’t the first thing that comes to mind. If you’ve been treating these two marketing methods as entirely separate, then you’ve been missing out on potential conversions.

By linking the two you’ll be getting the best of both worlds. In this post we’re going to explore the power of using social media to grow your email marketing reach.

Tools To Get Started

To get started maximizing your social reach you’ll need a couple of things. These will help to increase the potential that the traffic you’re sending via social media will grow your leads and subscriber base.

1. A Lead Magnet

A lead magnet is a downloadable freebie you’ll give away in exchange for an email address. this can be a downloadable PDF, a free email course, report, or anything that your visitor will find valuable.

Try to make the lead magnet immediately actionable after they consume what you’ve given. You want it to solve an urgent need your visitor has.

2. Squeeze Page

A squeeze page is a simple landing page that hosts your lead magnet. Usually, this page won’t have more than some simple web copy, an email opt-in form and a picture of your freebie.

The simpler this page is the easier it’ll be for your users to sign up.

Using Facebook

On Facebook you can include your squeeze page URL in the about your business section. You can also create a specific tab that links out to your landing page within the app section.

Also, make sure that when you’re sharing content across social media you include a link to your landing page.

If you use Facebook ads to promote and share your content, then include a link to your landing page within these ads as well.

Remember, the more targeted these ads are the better.

Using Twitter

You can promote across Twitter in a similar manner as Facebook above. To get started include a link to your landing page in the bio section of your profile.

In the Twitter ads section you can use a specific card that’s designed to collect email addresses. Within the ads profile look for a card labelled ‘lead generation’.

Using LinkedIn

When using LinkedIn you can edit the publication section of your profile to link directly to your squeeze pages that hosts your lead magnet. You can also add the link to your landing page within the contact information section as well.

If you are using LinkedIn ads make sure you use specific targeting to find your ideal audience, and include a link to your squeeze page within your ad.

Through effective sharing you can grow your subscriber base across your social media accounts. If you’re looking for a customized email marketing or social media campaign, then get in touch with C7 Creative today.


by Calvin Bryant
Digital Marketing Geek

Calvin Bryant

Calvin is a digital expert with clients in the U.S., U.K., and the Caribbean Islands. As the founder of C7, he has worked with Joel Osteen, Carlos Santana, the FBI, and the NBA. He resides in Ponte Vedra, Florida, and is a proud father and husband of 28+ years to his wife, Krista.